We pride ourselves on our expansive global network, which allows us to provide unparalleled services to clients around the world. Our network includes strategic partnerships with leading companies in key industries, giving us access to the latest technologies and insights that enable us to stay at the forefront of innovation and deliver superior results.
Our team of experienced professionals has a deep understanding of local markets and cultural nuances, which enables us to tailor our solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. Whether you are looking to expand your business overseas, streamline your operations, or tap into new markets, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals.
We believe that our success is driven by our commitment to building strong relationships with our clients and partners. By working closely with you every step of the way, we can ensure that our solutions are aligned with your business objectives and deliver the outcomes you need.
Join our global network today and discover the power of collaboration, innovation, and excellence. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your business goals.
Russian CIS Distributor |
Company Name | MIROZDANIE ALC. |
General Sales Manager | Andrei Halavach |
Address | 220036, Karl Liebknecht street 66-116, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus |
Tel・Fax | +375-17-300-00-81 / +375-17-300-00-82 |
mzd.foodtech@gmail.com | |
Spanish Distributor |
Company Name | Kilse, S.L. |
Ceo | Javier Fernandez |
Address | Poligono Santelices Parc B3 48550-Muskiz Bizkaia Spain |
TEL | +34 946 709 812 |
kilse@kilse.es | |
Korean Distributor |
Company Name | Metatek Co., Ltd. |
Ceo | Ken Pock |
Tel | +82-31-695-7911 |
kenneth@hicook.com |