Food Cutter KKS-520

Details description of the product

Food Cutter KKS-520 is a versatile machine that is designed to cut various types of snack sticks into small sizes. This machine is particularly suitable for cutting burdocks, scallions, and meat snack sticks. It is capable of cutting meat and other stick products into snack sizes with ease, making it an ideal tool for manufacturers of snack foods.

The KKS-520 is a compact and efficient machine that is easy to operate. It features a high-precision cutting system that ensures accurate and consistent results every time. The machine is also designed to be extremely easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that it remains in top condition for longer.

One of the key features of the KKS-520 is its versatility. It is capable of cutting various types of snack sticks, including burdocks, scallions, and meat snack sticks. This makes it an ideal tool for manufacturers who need to produce a wide range of snack foods.

Overall, the Food Cutter KKS-520 is a reliable and cost-effective solution for manufacturers of snack foods. Its high precision cutting system, versatility, and ease of use make it an ideal tool for anyone who needs to cut snack sticks into small sizes.

Item Details"Features and specifications"
Name・Model Food Cutter KKS-520
Target Ingredients Burdocks, Scallions, Snack Sticks, Meat

■High capacity and perfect performance
■Technical help full service and support
■Focus on a cost-efficient & reliable system
■It adapts to any work area and transports anywhere
■Compact machine for small & commercial manufacturers
■Extremely hygienic & ergonomic design, easy to clean and maintain

Country of Origin Japan
Price Please contact us.

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